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How can I Allow (or Deny) Authors to Access Audio?

Answer / Solution

Allow Authors to Access Audio

Administrators of the InfraWare 360 platform can manage Author access to the audio files of their dictations in the Secure Web Portal allowing them to download the audio file to their computer.  To manage this, login to the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) and click on the Administration tab, then click on the Facility you would like to edit.  Select the Advance view and scroll down to the Secure Web Portal section to "Allow Authors to Access Audio.

  • Placing a checkmark will enable authors to have access to the audio file of their dictations/jobs
  • Leaving this unchecked will disable authors from accessing the audio files and they will not be able to download the audio file to their computer


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Last Updated
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

doctors providers authors audio files dictation play download KB372
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