InfraWare, Inc.

Topics > eSign-off

eSign-off (31 KBs)
Electronic Sign-off

Top 20 KBs For This Topic
InfraWare 360 platform Overview
InfraWare 360 Platform Overview
How do I configure the platform features?
How to Configure the Platform Features
How does eSign-off work?
eSign-off Explained
How does 'Require release before delivery' work?
How to hold/release delivery instructions
Does InfraWare support Mac/Macintosh computers?
Limited support for Apple Macs
How do I allow MTs to send messages to Authors?
Facility Messages
How can I specify who can see or edit an author's completed reports?
Permission for access to reports in EHR Web Portal
How does Return to QA work?
Return to QA
What are the steps to eSign a document in the Secure Web Portal?
Step-by-Step eSign Off Walkthrough
How does dual eSign-off work?
Dual eSign Setup Explained
How can I edit a completed job?
Revise completed jobs
Can a user eSign for another user?
eSign-off Proxies Explained
What are the system requirements for Online Editor (OE)?
Online Editor Requirements
How do I add a signature for eSign-off?
How to add author signature for eSign-off documents
What are the steps for a new facility/client setup/on-boarding?
Facility setup/on-boarding checklist
How do I set up an author to eSign?
Setting up eSign
What to do if the Online Editor does not open?
Online Editor Browser Settings
How do I setup envelopes to print from the Secure Web Portal?
Add Envelope/Print Envelopes
How does the Facility User manage Secure Web Portal Alerts?
Manage Secure Web Portal eSign Alerts
How can I prominently mark incomplete documents as such?
Temporary DRAFT label for documents until complete

Recently Added KBs To This Topic
How do I remove the eSign requirement for an Author?
Remove eSign Requirement for an Author
What is the facility setting Always Skip eSign-off
Always Skip eSign-off Explained
Does InfraWare support Mac/Macintosh computers?
Limited support for Apple Macs
How are proper names used in the platform?
Proper Names Used in the Platform
What template fields do I use for eSign-off documents?
Adding fields to the template for eSign documents
How do I route jobs to eSign-off by Document Type?
Routing to eSign-off by Document Type
How do I set an eSign-off requirement for an author?
Routing to eSign-off by author
What is the integrity of eSign?
eSignature Implications Explained
How do I set up an author to eSign?
Setting up eSign
How do I allow eSign-off Pending jobs to be modified for a particular facility?
How to allow eSign-off pending jobs to be edited
What to do if the Online Editor does not open?
Online Editor Browser Settings
What are the steps for a new facility/client setup/on-boarding?
Facility setup/on-boarding checklist
How do I maximize the Online Editor Screen?
Maximize the Online Editor Screen
How does the Facility User manage Secure Web Portal Alerts?
Manage Secure Web Portal eSign Alerts
How do I require 1st level of eSign-off before 2nd level?
Require 1st Level eSign Before 2nd Level
How do I print attached envelopes after eSign and using Online Editor Print in the Secure Web Portal?
Print Attached Envelopes in eSign and OE Printing in EHR Web Portal
What are the steps to eSign a document in the Secure Web Portal?
Step-by-Step eSign Off Walkthrough
What are the system requirements for Online Editor (OE)?
Online Editor Requirements
How do I setup envelopes to print from the Secure Web Portal?
Add Envelope/Print Envelopes
How does dual eSign-off work?
Dual eSign Setup Explained
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