InfraWare, Inc.

Topics > First Draft

First Draft (122 KBs)
First Draft Speech Recognition Service

Top 20 KBs For This Topic
InfraWare 360 platform Overview
InfraWare 360 Platform Overview
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What audio files does InfraWare support?
Supported Audio Formats Explained
How do I use the First Draft Template Training Environment?
Steps on how to access the First Draft Template Training tools in the ITE
What is the purpose of Document Types?
Document Types Explained
Does InfraWare support Mac/Macintosh computers?
Limited support for Apple Macs
How does First Draft interpret frequently used commands in dictation?
First Draft and Frequently Used Commands in Dictation
How can I load First Draft editing exercises?
Access First Draft Editing Exercises
Synchronize audio and text during ITC playback
Synchronous playback
What is the Editing Auto-Capitalize Feature?
First Draft: Turn on Editing Auto Capitalize Feature
InfraWare Template Editor - Template Wizard Instructions
Using the ITE Template Wizard
How do Alerts work?
Alerts explained
How do I Create a Pay Model for a transcriptionist?
How to Create a Pay Model for a Transcriptionist
Is InfraWare a speech recognition vendor?
Transcription workflow and back-end speech recognition
What is the purpose of the Facility setting "Hide First Draft Labels"?
Hiding First Draft Labels
How can I specify or correct a Document Type (work type) prior to transcription or First Draft?
Using the Document Identification Queue
How do I edit/create templates for First Draft?
Edit/Create FD Templates
What is a First Draft Area?
First Draft Areas explained
How can we set the Document Type before First Draft or transcription?
First Draft: Sending Jobs to the Document Identification Queue
Why does Ctrl + Spacebar not work to toggle Synchronization on/off?
Troubleshooting Synchronous Playback with Ctrl + Spacebar

Recently Added KBs To This Topic
How is editing multi-speaker work different from regular First Draft editing?
What are the Multi Speaker specific keyboard shortcuts?
Where can I find FD Graded Model Details in the ITC?
FD Grades visible in the ITC
Reprocess FD when Job Properties changed in Web Portal
Reprocess FD when Job properties changed in Secure Web Portal
How do I find text using Synchronization feature?
Finding text using Synchronization
What are First Draft Translations?
First Draft Translations
How do I line up text within a First Draft Area?
How do I line up text within an Area?
How do I Paste Unformatted text?
Using Ctrl + Shift + V to paste Unformatted Text
What is Automation of Document Type in the Document Identification Queue?
Automation of Document Type in the Document Identification Queue
What is the Dictates for Others option in the IMC?
Dictates for Others
How do I mark volume as manually ineligible for First Draft?
Set Volume as Manually Ineligible for First Draft
How do I set tuning options for First Draft?
Setting First Draft Tuning Override Options
When does the platform refresh the documents available for ITE Template Tuning?
Document cache for ITE Template Tuning
What is the Administration tab in First Draft Areas?
Administration tab for a First Draft Area
How do I get started with First Draft back-end speech recognition technology?
Getting Started with First Draft
How do I override Pay calculations for a First Draft job?
First Draft Pay Override
What is a First Draft Region?
First Draft Regions
What does "Original audio not found" mean in the Audit Trail with regard to First Draft?
Troubleshooting original audio not found
Why are jobs for an Author who is enabled for First Draft not going through First Draft?
Troubleshooting jobs which did not go through First Draft
How are Pay Calculations done when more than one MT works on a First Draft job?
Pay Calculations for First Draft Jobs Worked by Multiple MT's
What is the Job Properties Changed Report?
Job Properties Changed Report
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