Topics > First Draft > KB ID # 1006

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How is editing multi-speaker work different from regular First Draft editing?

Answer / Solution

Multi Speaker specific keyboard shortcuts


InfraWare's First Draft Dictation Recognition system (speech recognition) is an optional piece of the InfraWare 360 platform.  This article outlines the keyboard shortcuts specific to the Multispeaker feature of First Draft, which is being tested internally by InfraWare at this time.

You can watch a video presentation of FD for Multiple Speakers *HERE*

Making adjustments to text within speaker blocks

Alt+L will change the current speaker block label.  Whatever speaker block you are in, it will switch the label.  So if your cursor focus is in "Q" it will switch it to "A".  If you have added another speaker tag such as "A2", it will toggle between those speaker tags.

Alt+P is context dependent - Functionality changes based on your current cursor location:

  • If you select text at the end of a block by highlighting it and then press Alt + P, it will move that text from the current speaker to the next one down.
  • If you select text at the start of a block by highlighting it and then press Alt + P, it will move that text to the end of the previous block.
  • If you do not select any text and press Alt + P, it will create a new tag with your cursor focus there and move text following the cursor to the following tag.

Please see the video referenced above to see these actions. 

Adding extra speakers

There are also times when you need to add a third (or more) speaker ID tag and this can be accomplished with Alt+K

  • Alt+K will open the Speakers page.
  • Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3, Alt+4, Alt+5 will toggle the corresponding checkbox (if visible) and set the focus in the text field. When disabling, the checkbox will be given focus. On form load, the focus is set to the first label text field.


Insert an ellipse "..."

  • Ctrl + Alt + Period will insert " ... " at the cursor position.  Should detect if a leading space is required.  (Ellipse will not trigger auto cap for the word that follows it.)
  • This shortcut is not specific to Multispeaker. It is included in this KB because it commonly used in this body of work.

Please Note:  If you have manually created a speaker label (Q or A) by entering down and typing that letter followed by a colon, these shortcuts above will not work to change that label (Alt + L) or to move text to other speaker labels (Alt+P).

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Last Updated
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

multi speaker multispeaker FD keyboard shortcuts kb1006 1006 insert ellipse more than one speaker speakers multiple
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