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What is "Convert dangerous abbreviations" in the IMC?

Answer / Solution

Convert The Joint Commission List of "Do Not Use" Abbreviations option for First Draft output


The InfraWare 360 platform provides Administrators with an additional option to convert dictated The Joint Commission list of "Do Not Use" abbreviations in the First Draft output.  For more details on The Joint Commission list of "Do Not Use" abbreviations, see this link - www.jointcommission.org/assets/1/18/Do_Not_Use_List.pdf


In the InfraWare Management Console (IMC), Admins can customize the format in the First Draft ⇒ Tuning ⇒ Fast Start SettingsFirst Draft seeks to pull as much time as possible out of the editing experience before the draft even reaches the Transcriptionist.  One of the ways it adds value is to allow Administrators to specify whether Joint Commission Dangerous Abbreviations are converted or left as dictated in the draft output.  By default, if there is nothing specified in this option will leave abbreviations as dictated.  When the Convert Dangerous Abbreviations option is checked, if the dictator says "QD" the First Draft output will be "daily".  If this option is not checked the output will be as dictated. 


You will need the following before you begin:

  • A valid InfraWare login ID and password
  • Administrator role
  • Account subscribed to the First Draft Dictation Recognition Service


To set The Joint Commission List of "Do Not Use" Abbreviations to be converted in the First Draft output for your Account:

  • Open the InfraWare Management Console (IMC)
  • Go to the First Draft tab, Tuning sub-tab

  • Locate the Convert Joint Commission Dangerous Abbreviations option in the Fast Start Settings:
  • Check the Yes option.
  • Click Save Account Defaults to save this change to the platform. 
  • All drafts generated following the date/time of this saved change will convert recognized dictated Joint Commission Dangerous Abbreviations in the draft output. 

To set The Joint Commission List of "Do Not Use" Abbreviations to be converted in the First Draft output for First Draft jobs for a Specific Author:

  • Open the InfraWare Management Console (IMC)
  • Go to the First Draft tab, Tuning sub-tab

  • Click on the Author Settings option at the top of the page.
  • Select the Author for which you want to set the Convert Contractions option to be different than the Account Setting:
  • Locate the Convert Contractions option in the Fast Start Settings for the specified Author.
  • Click the box next to Override Account default:
  • Check the Yes option.
  • Click Save Author Settings to save this change to the platform. 
  • All drafts generated following the date/time of this saved change will convert recognized dictated Joint Commission Dangerous Abbreviations in the draft output for the specified Author. 


  • This Convert Dangerous Abbreviations setting will only convert contractions when dictated audio is recognized as being Dangerous Abbreviation as identified by the Joint Commission. 
  • Once this setting is changed and saved it will not modify existing drafts for jobs already on the platform.  This setting change would be applied to new drafts dictated after you make the change.

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Last Updated
Monday, January 30, 2017

first draft FD convert dangerous abbreviations joint commission KB726
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