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What resources are available to calculate the line counting?

Answer / Solution

Line Counting Calculation Explained:


The InfraWare 360 platform has a very accurate mathematical process for calculating the line counts of jobs.   There are multiple units of measure for calculating the units for billing and pay for the Billing and Pay Reports available in the InfraWare Management Console.  For additional information regarding how to create a unique Unit for pay and billing purposes, please see the following KB232, "How to Create a Unit Definition for Billing and Pay."    

The first step in calculating the basis for line counting is locating the metrics calculation for the template.  To do this:

  • Launch the InfraWare Template Editor
  • Click File --> Open Template from IW Platform
  • Enter your login and password
  • Select the Facility of the template
  • Select the Template and click Load from Platform.
  • To view the metrics calculations of the Template
    • File --> Save to InfraWare Platform
    • Click the Advanced Settings button

  • From the above sample, the total of the template is:
    • Characters = 83
    • Characters (non-WS) non-white space characters = 77
    • Line Break = 7
    • Visible Line = 4
    • Page Break = 1
  • Adjustments:  This is where you can add or subtract any of the values above to get the New Total for each metric. 
  • The New Total is the value of the template that is used when calculating "exclude template" in a pay model or billing model.

Next step:  Determine the metrics value of the job completed by the MT.  To do this:

  •  In the IMC, go to the Queue tab and search for the job in the Queue.
  • Click on the job # to open the Job Properties page
  • Click on View Completion Information

  • Under the Document Revisions section, on Revision 1, which was submitted by the MT, click Metrics

  • A new window will pop-up
    • Displays the Metrics of the job including the template
    • Displays the Metrics of the job excluding the template

From the information above, you have the value of the template from the InfraWare Template Editor and you have the metrics of the completed job submitted by the MT.  The pay model is calculated based on this information. 

  • If the pay model excludes the template, the template metrics value is subtracted from the metrics in the top section of the Metrics chart above.  This value is displayed in the bottom half of the chart under Metrics excluding template.
  • If the template is not excluded, the MT is paid on the metrics in the top half of the chart above, which DOES NOT exclude the template.

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Last Updated
Thursday, December 8, 2016

calculating units billing pay line count counting calculation math accuracy KB389
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