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How to specify the naming format for files downloaded from the Secure Web Portal or delivered by FTP?

Answer / Solution

Specify the Naming Format for Files


This filename can be dynamically created with the following options:

%df is the date this was delivered; format: YYYY-MM-DD; month and day are 0 padded
is the date this was delivered; format: MM-DD- YYYY; month and day are 0 padded
is the day of the date this was delivered; day is 0 padded
%dm is the month of the date this was delivered; month is 0 padded
is the year of the date this was delivered.

%sf is the date this was submitted to the InfraWare system; format: YYYY-MM-DD; month and day are 0 padded
%sf2 is the date this was submitted to the InfraWare system; format: MM-DD- YYYY; month and day are 0 padded
%sd is the day of the date this was submitted to the InfraWare system; day is 0 padded
%sm is the month of the date this was submitted to the InfraWare system; month is 0 padded
is the year of the date this was submitted to the InfraWare system

%a is the full name of the author; format: LastName_FirstName
is the first name of the author
is the last name of the author
%aif is the first initial of the author
%ail is the last initial of the author
%f is the name of the facility of the author
is the document type of the dictation

%aeid is the external id of the author

%su is the subject of the dictation

%m is the medical record number
%na is the account number
is the social security number

%idsa is the Facility ID
%idadt is the ADT ID
is the Dictation ID

%pf is the first name of the patient
is the middle name of the patient
%pl is the last name of the patient
%pdob is the date of birth of the patient
%pg is the gender of the patient
%ploc is the location of the patient
is the type of the patient

%da is the admit date; format: YYYY-MM-DD; month and day are 0 padded
is the admit date; format: MM-DD- YYYY; month and day are 0 padded
%dd is the discharge date; format: YYYY-MM-DD; month and day are 0 padded
%dd2 is the discharge date; format: MM-DD- YYYY; month and day are 0 padded
%dv is the visit date; format: YYYY-MM-DD; month and day are 0 padded
is the visit date; format: MM-DD- YYYY; month and day are 0 padded

%phdc is the code of the admit physician
is the last name of the admit physician
%phdf is the first name of the admit physician

%phtc is the code of the attend physician
%phtl is the last name of the attend physician
is the first name of the attend physician

%phrc is the code of the refer physician
%phrl is the last name of the refer physician
is the first name of the refer physician

%e1 is the extra 1 field
is the user defined field 1
is the user defined field 2
is the user defined field 3
%ud4 is the user defined field 4
%ud5 is the user defined field 5
%ud6 is the user defined field 6
%ud7 is the user defined field 7
%ud8 is the user defined field 8
%ud9 is the user defined field 9
is the user defined field 10


For example, with the filename %al_%f_%s_%u, a file would be uploaded as LastName_FacilityName_YY-MM-DD_Subject.doc

The default file name, if none is specified, is %f_%al_%su_%id.doc

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Last Updated
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

file filenaming format convention KB139
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