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How do Pools work?

Answer / Solution

How Pools Work


InfraWare 360 supports four types of user Pools:

  • Author
  • Transcriptionist
  • QA
  • Sign-off


The purpose of Pools is to group users of a certain type into one unit.  This makes it easier to assign and maintain permissions.  For example, instead of authorizing a specific QA Editor to perform QA for the reports for a certain clinic, it is preferable to put that single editor into a QA Pool and authorize that pool.  This way, when that QA Editor goes on vacation for a week, you can simply substitute an alternative user in the pool for that week.  You don't have to change the permissions surrounding the authorizations involved.

Work distribution is another convenience of using pools.  You can have several users in a pool who all take work for a particular task.  This allows your users to share workloads in real time.

When making assignments throughout the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) you will have options to specify pools in many places as an alternative to specific users.

Here is a short video that describes the User Pools feature:

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Last Updated
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

users pools work distribution KB138
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