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How do I setup a SFTP Delivery Destination?

Answer / Solution

How to Setup an SFTP Delivery Plan/Download Settings


The InfraWare Document Delivery System (DDS) supports a number of delivery devices, including an sftp (secure file transfer protocol) path.  This article discusses several things an administrator needs to know about specifying such a path.  


Create Destinations for document delivery in the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) on the Delivery tab and the Destinations sub-tab.

Note: After you create one or more destinations, you should create Delivery Plans to tell InfraWare how and when to deliver to those destinations.  That is performed on the Delivery Plans tab under Delivery.

Technical parameters

  •  To properly establish an FTP Delivery Destination:
    • In the IMC, under the "Delivery" tab, click "Destinations", or click here.
    • Click the "New Destination" button.
    • Name the destination.
    • Select "FTP" in destination type.
    • IP Address:  In the "IP Address / URL" field type the IP address or domain name of the SFTP site.
      • Valid Example:
      • Valid Example: sftp.example.com
      • Note: Do not use a prefix such as "HTTPS://", "FTP://", etc.
      • Invalid Example: HTTPS://sftp.example.com
    • Port:  Enter the external port number given to you by the Facility's Network Administrator. The default SFTP port is 22, however you may use any port you choose.
    • Username/Password:  Enter username & password given to you by the Facility's Network Administrator.
    • Path: The filename format is also specified as discussed below.  Please see format options below.

The root folder must exist on the server, but one folder name and the file name can be created dynamically by InfraWare at the time of transmission.  Here is a list of variables which can be used to create the folder and file names:

%df is the date this was delivered; format: YYYY-MM-DD; month and day are 0 padded
%df2 is the date this was delivered; format: MM-DD- YYYY; month and day are 0 padded
%dd is the day of the date this was delivered; day is 0 padded
%dm is the month of the date this was delivered; month is 0 padded
%dy is the year of the date this was delivered.

%sf is the date this was submitted to the InfraWare system; format: YYYY-MM-DD; month and day are 0 padded
%sf2 is the date this was submitted to the InfraWare system; format: MM-DD- YYYY; month and day are 0 padded
%sd is the day of the date this was submitted to the InfraWare system; day is 0 padded
%sm is the month of the date this was submitted to the InfraWare system; month is 0 padded
%sy is the year of the date this was submitted to the InfraWare system

%a is the full name of the author; format: LastName_FirstName
%af is the first name of the author
%al is the last name of the author
%aif is the first initial of the author
%ail is the last initial of the author
%f is the name of the facility of the author
%apre is the prefix of the author
%asuf is the suffix of the author
%ami is the middle inital of the author

%aeid is the external author id

%pf is the first name of the patient
%pm is the middle name of the patient
%pl is the last name of the patient
%pdob is the date of birth of the patient
%pg is the gender of the patient
%ploc is the location of the patient
%pt is the type of the patient
%ns is the social security number

%su is the subject of the dictation
%dt is the document type of the dictation
%dti is for the document type initials
%m is the medical record number
%na is the account number
%facExtID is the Facility External ID
%id is the Dictation ID or Job Number

%dfts is a timestamp with the current UTC time; format: YYYYMMddmmss

Visit Date
%dvmm is the visit date month 0 padded
%dvdd is the visit date day 0 padded
%dvyyyy is the visit date year (4 digits)
%dvyy is the visit date year (2 digits)
%dv is the visit date; format: YYYY-MM-DD; month and day are 0 padded
%dv1 is the visit date; format: YYYYMMDD; month and day are 0 padded
%dv2 is the visit date; format: MM-DD- YYYY; month and day are 0 padded

Admit Date
%damm is the admit date month 0 padded
%dadd is the admit date day 0 padded
%dayyyy is the admit date year (4 digits)
%dayy is the admit date year (2 digits)
%da is the admit date; format: YYYY-MM-DD; month and day are 0 padded
%da2 is the admit date; format: MM-DD- YYYY; month and day are 0 padded

Discharge Date
%ddmm is the discharge date month 0 padded
%dddd is the discharge date day 0 padded
%ddyyyy is the discharge date year (4 digits)
%ddyy is the discharge date year (2 digits)
%dd1 is the discharge date; format: YYYY-MM-DD; month and day are 0 padded
%dd2 is the discharge date; format: MM-DD- YYYY; month and day are 0 padded

Admitting Physician
%phdc is the code of the admit physician
%phdl is the last name of the admit physician
%phdf is the first name of the admit physician
%phdpre is the prefix of the admit physician
%phdsuf is the suffix of the admit physician
%phdmi is the middle initial of the admit physician

Attending Physician
%phtc is the code of the attend physician
%phtl is the last name of the attend physician
%phtf is the first name of the attend physician
%phtpre is the prefix of the attend physician
%phtsuf is the suffix of the attend physician
%phtmi is the middle initial of the attend physician

Referring Physician
%phrc is the code of the refer physician
%phrl is the last name of the refer physician
%phrf is the first name of the refer physician
%phrpre is the prefix of the refer physician
%phrsuf is the suffix of the refer physician
%phrmi is the middle initial of the refer physician

ADT Fields
%e1 is the extra 1 field
%ud1 is the user defined field 1
%ud2 is the user defined field 2
%ud3 is the user defined field 3
%ud4 is the user defined field 4
%ud5 is the user defined field 5
%ud6 is the user defined field 6
%ud7 is the user defined field 7
%ud8 is the user defined field 8
%ud9 is the user defined field 9
%ud10 is the user defined field 10

Other User Defined Fields (UDFs)
%a_udf# is the UDF for the Author
%dt_udf# is the UDF for the Doc Type
%f_udf# is the UDF for theFacility
%acct_udf# is the UDF for the Account  
%uddf#mm is the visit date month 0 padded
%uddf#dd is the visit date day 0 padded
%uddf#yyyy is the visit date year (4 digits)
%uddf#yy is the visit date year (2 digits) 

Note: The # sign must be replaced by the number of the UDF, i.e.%a_udf2, for UDF 2 under the Author

  • For example, with the path /home/%al/%f/%s_%u, a file would be uploaded to YYYY-MM-DD_Subject.doc in the directory /home/LastName/FacilityName
  • The default file name, if none is specified, is %f_%al_%su_%id.doc (or rtf or pdf)

Note: You should not include the file extension (doc, rtf, or pdf) in the string containing the filename variables.  The extension will be automatically added by the InfraWare server depending on the file format chosen in the Delivery Plan.


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Last Updated
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

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