InfraWare, Inc.

Search Results
You searched for "Addendum"

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How do I view addendum details in the IMC?
How to View Addendum Details 
How do you remove an addendum in the IMC?
How to Remove an Addendum in the IMC 
How can I restart TAT on Addendum?
Restart TAT on Addendum 
What does the message "This job is already part of an addendum so it can't be addended to another job" mean when I am attempting to perform an addendum?
Jobs which are already part of an Addendum 
How can I finish a report from a second dictation (Attach an Addendum)?
Addendum Process 
Can MT's attach addendums to jobs of different authors?
Allow MT's to attach addendums across different authors 
How can I authorize Transcriptionists to add Addendums in ITC?
Allow MT transcriptionist to Perform Addendums 
If a job has a status of Pending Addendum how do I release it to the customer if needed?
Releasing a Job in Pending Addendum status 
How do I search for deleted jobs and addenda in the IMC Jobs Queue?
Searching for Deleted Jobs and Addendums in the IMC 
How do I resend previously sent deliveries?
Re-Delivering Jobs after Addendum 
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